Differential display versussubtraction hybridization - (Oct/23/2001 )
What is the best method to compare the gene expression of two lines of chicken?Differential display or subtraction hybridization?
I think that depends on how much work you want to put into it. I personally think that the analysis of subtracted libraries is easier than cutting out all those bands out of poylacrylamide gels used in differential display. But, differential display has the advantage of having an amplifaction inherent in it since it is a PCR technique. Clontech makes a pretty cool kit that seems to combine the advantages of both. It is a subtraction procedure, but it has an amplification step. You should check it out- in fact I have the kit and am about ready to start an experiment with it. Here is the website:http://www.clontech.com/products/catalog01...nasubtract.html
I think that depends on how much work you want to put into it. I personally think that the analysis of subtracted libraries is easier than cutting out all those bands out of poylacrylamide gels used in differential display. But, differential display has the advantage of having an amplifaction inherent in it since it is a PCR technique. Clontech makes a pretty cool kit that seems to combine the advantages of both. It is a subtraction procedure, but it has an amplification step. You should check it out- in fact I have the kit and am about ready to start an experiment with it. Here is the website:http://www.clontech.com/products/catalog01...nasubtract.html