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Dual isotype assay development? - I don't want to re-invent the wheel here... (Jul/23/2006 )

Hi all.
Anybody have details on the development of a dual isotpye ELISA? I bet it's not as simple a matter as just adding both types of detection Ab conjugates to the wells...
Do I have to maintain the relative concentration of each conjugate? Anything special I have to do?



in classical way of isotyping, u add different isotype specific antibodies to different wells with same antibody coated and detarmine which well corresponding to what isotype based on OD.
if u want to make dual isotype ELISA u need different substrate systmes which does not interfere with each other.

wud u let me know what condition make u diverting from classical isotyping method to dual isotyping?


QUOTE (swanny @ Jul 24 2006, 07:34 AM)
Hi all.
Anybody have details on the development of a dual isotpye ELISA? I bet it's not as simple a matter as just adding both types of detection Ab conjugates to the wells...
Do I have to maintain the relative concentration of each conjugate? Anything special I have to do?

