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Cerebrospinal fluid collection from rat - help! (Jul/10/2006 )


I've been trying to find information about how csf collection from rats is done but haven't had much luck yet...

we have a stereotaxy apparatus but no one at the lab has experience on this matter. I don't need the rat to survive; I just need the csf to treat cultured astrocytes.

If anyone has a protocol, reference or whatever is useful is very much welcome!




I havent dont that before. Do people do this routinely ? If so, that must b tricky. I am guessing the rat would have few ml only and to carefully collect it might b quite a challenge.


there are a papers mentioning the sampling of CSF from rats,you may dl it at As i had read 1 years ago,the paper came from japanese people. they collected CSF from cisterna magna of rat and did a study on moving rats.Therefore, they found there were some cofounding result if you collected CSF from anaesthesized rats. hope this helps!yes, there was a challeged to collect CSF because it was around 70-100uL for normal rat at one time to be collected!!.


CSF sampling was also reported and done by japanese and Spanish,EUROPE scientist to compare which method gives best to collect CSF from cisterna magna, ventricles and lumbar puncture on rats. But, it depends on what condition of your experimental goals and human condition.hope this helps.
