interactin between alkaline phosphatase buffer and PNK buffer. - help please (Jun/15/2006 )
hi all
i set up the dephosphorylatin rxn and then i heat inactivate the CIAp enzyme.
and in the same tube i set endlabelling rxn.
i was very scared to do phenol-CHCL3, becoz my probes was very low. and i dont want to lose that.
by these probes i set the hybridisatin rxn. i cud not get any result. i am very tense now.
i was thinkin that i shd not do that as i did.
i need ur comment and sugestion.
thanx in advace
you need to add ATP to your reaction. But it's going to no reaction, as the CIP remains in the medium and so will inhibit the reaction?... but not too sure. i raise the possibility.