Lysing hela cells - poor protein recovery (May/29/2006 )
I'm lysing some non-transfected hela cells. All I want from them is the protein, non-denatured. I'm lysing with Tris, NaCl and NP-40. I am getting what I think is a low amount of protein from them. I lysed five confluent 75cm^2 flasks and only got ~2mg of protein. That doesn't seem like much to me. Other cells I have used (High Five) give me 2mg from a single 25cm^2 flask.
Could it be the lysis buffer is ineffecient at lysing hela's or is this a realistic amount of protein to get?
this doesn;t seem like much to me - could you please give us more info? are you pipetting your lysis solution directly onto the cells or resuspending a pellet? if straight onto cells, you might want to try a rubber policeman as well to lift the cells a bit....
I'm trypsinizing the cells, spinning down, adding the lysis buffer and then vortexing.
what do you use as protease prevention?
PMSF, aprotinin and leupeptin.
doesn't the trypsin mess you up here?
I thought you had to scrape the cells to uplift for protein prep or you would get poor results?
but I have only worked with primary keratinocytes and confess that I don't know for sure
HeLa cells can support trypsin without big effects. SO i don't suppose the problem came from the cell detachement process per se. But if trypsinization is done too long (and maybe too strong, try to dilute it to 1:5) thzcan decrease protein recovery.
I might try scraping then, see if I get better results.
one assumes you are keeping everything - EVERYTHING - on ice during the extraction? that will also increase yield pretty dramatically...avoid freeze/thaws of your you know this stuff already?
Indeed. But thanks.