extracellular matrix - removal of and microscopic visualization of (Jan/19/2002 )
Hi all,
I am looking for suggestions on how to remove or disrupt the extracellular matrix of marine dinoflagellate cells without lysing or killing them. Are there general enzymes available that would digest poly & oligosaccharides, or even glycoproteins? I have also considered gentle agitation with glass beads to try and shear the glycocalyx off. Has anyone ever tried this?
Also, I need a method to visualize the matrix in order to determine if disruption was successful.
Any help would be wonderful--
thanks in advance,
franchesca perez
Shannon Point Marine Center
Anacortes, WA
Try hyaluronidase and syalidase, or choose any other depending on the chemical nature of your matrix.
I am extracting extracellular mucilage from filamentous fungi by washing the colony with cold water. it works, as electron microscopy has shown.