number of 293T cells at 60-70% confluency - (May/05/2006 )
Hi, I hope anyone can help me with this,
I did an experiment with 293T cells, which I transiently transfected at 60-70% confluency. I did not do any cellcounts, but now i need to know (by estimation) how many cells I had at the time of the transfection and how many cells I had 24h posttransfection.
I used 24 well plates but if anybody knows this for 10 cm dishes I can calculate from there.
Hi sappie,
I have a chart which states that for a 10cm plate - fully confluent, there are 8.8 million cells. However, this is true for Hela cells. So I'm not sure if these figures also applicable for 293 cells.
In a confluent flask 75cm2 with 293FT cells, there will be approx. 30 million cells.
I use 60mm dish, the number of 293T at 70%confluence is about 2x10^6
maybe you should count to know the no. of cells under the conditions that you are working. for me your 60% could be 80% and for someone else 40.