any idea on 46xy females - (May/05/2006 )
hi all,
i am new to the forum and i am looking for some help/suggestions regarding to the 46xy females. I need to submit an assignment by the end of this month. I didnt find relevant material till now. Some help would be appreciated.
when Y chromosome comes, it's definitely a man.
You may encounter
X O : turner's syndrome : little wemen, sterile, mental disorders
XXX : superwoman, don't remebmer if sterile, but mental disorders too
Y O : lethal
XXY : tall and thin mens, sterility, mental deficniencies
XYY : Y "killer" : mental disorders, comportement troubles, agressivity
Thanks Fred_33,
If i am not wrong the info u have given is about few chromosomal abnormalities and their primary characters. I am looking for some books/articles where i can get more info on 46XY females. For everyones info i browsed Pubmed.
Bye for now.
but 46XY aren't females ?!?
learner, you will have to give us more to go on. what have you already found? that is very broad
do you mean gender reassignment at birth? as in the case of ambiguous gender/hermaphroditism? do you mean transsexuals or transvestites who go through the process as adults? what exactly do you mean by XY females?
There are two main genetic types of "XY" females.
1. Pure gonadal dysgenesis (also known as Swyer syndrome).
In this form there is usually a mutation in the SRY gene on the Y chromosome or in an autosomal gene in the testis-determining pathway. These girls therefore have a Y chromosome but there will be no testicular development. The gonad presents as a "streak" and the genital tract feminizes. These women will be infertile because they don't go through puberty the way a normal girl would. Women with Swyer syndrome have achieved pregnancy following IVF with donar eggs but this is dependent on whether their uterus is appropriately developed.
2. Complete Androgen Insensitivity syndrome (previously known as Testicular Feminization).
In these women testicular development occurs but the genital tract is resistant to androgen. Therefore the genital tract fails to mascularinize. These women again appear very much female but, like women with Swyer syndrome, will be infertile and will not go through normal puberty.
If you google either of these terms you will find plenty of information about both (eg. wekipedia).