cleaning Coulter counter vials - (Apr/18/2006 )
does anyone know how to clean and reuse coulter counter vials? I washed them with soap and water but then started getting outrageously large background counts, perhaps because the vials were not clean? thanks
We would just rinse them with water and let them dry (our boss didn't like us using soap for some reason). When we had high background values, we would try filtering the Isoton fluid. Hope this helps.
What kind of filtering would you do? Thanks
Maybe because that's just what we had lying around, but we would run it through a 0.2um bottle top filter. In the lab I'm in now, we have a 0.2um syringe filter attached to the Isoton dispenser so it filters each time you fill your vial (but this wouldn't filter the Isoton the machine uses for flushing and whatever else it uses it for).