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Cholera toxin as growth supplement MCF10A - (Apr/03/2006 )

what way cholera toxin helps in the growth of mammary epithelial cells MCF10A, whether there is any other substitute for the same


QUOTE (vilas @ Apr 3 2006, 04:53 AM)
what way cholera toxin helps in the growth of mammary epithelial cells MCF10A, whether there is any other substitute for the same

I would like to know the answer too.....


I askes ATCC technical service and got this message.

The product sheet describes the recommended medium for growing the cell
line and that which the ATCC uses and knows to provide optimum growth.
We are unable to assure viability of the ATCC stock if an alternative
media is employed.

This supplement stimulates the growth of epithelioid cells from normal
breast in vitro.
Biochemically, it is involved with the transport of Calcium. It is an
adenylate cyclase activator that converts ATP into cyclic AMP (an
intracellular second messenger)

More info can be found in the patent:
Soule H & McGrath CM

Immortal human mammary epithelial cell lines
5,026,637 6/25/91
