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How to make the neural stem cell differentiate ? - Neurospheres from mouse E14 (Mar/29/2006 )

Urgent help !! I bought the mouse NSC from stemcell technologies

but it didn't undergo differentiation , although replaced by the differentiation

medium. The cells didn't attached to the disk and remained expand as sphere. I

didn't know what was happened in my experiment. I am sure I have coated the ornithine

at 15 micro-gram/ml. Could anyone give me some advice ? Help !! I have no time ...happy.gif

I found that it was very difficult for handling the neural stem cell undergo differentiation

when it was compared with the PC12 (just added NGF followed by starvation).


I have found some black spots attached on my cells (neural spheres) !!

Can anyone tell me what has happened ? The pictures are as follows :
