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yeast two hybrid - (Mar/29/2006 )

I did a yeast two hybrid using BD Matchmaker Library Construction & Screening Kits few days ago, and got 83 clones. These clones grow well on SD/–Ade/–His/–Leu/–Trp plates. However, when transfered to SD/–Ade/–His/–Leu/–Trp liquid medium or SD/–His/–Leu/–Trp liquid medium, they can not grow.
Can anyone give me some suggestions?
Thanks a lot!


May be a stupid question, but are you sure that the first plates were SD/–Ade/–His/–Leu/–Trp plates?
Can it be that they are not stable transformants? I don't have experience with this, but these are the first things that I think of.


QUOTE (aspergillie @ Mar 29 2006, 05:24 AM)
May be a stupid question, but are you sure that the first plates were SD/–Ade/–His/–Leu/–Trp plates?
Can it be that they are not stable transformants? I don't have experience with this, but these are the first things that I think of.

I am sure the medium and temperature and other conditions are correct. These transformants grow well on plates after several inoculations, but can't grow in liquid medium.
