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need helps on probe design--human ip10 primers and probe. - (Mar/26/2006 )

does anybody have good primers and probe sequences for human ip10 gene which can? I have designed some by using the primer express 2 sofeware, but all of them do not work. I have wasted 2 months on this.
thank you very much.


Have you aked ABI if they have the ip10 Rimer/Probes on demand. Thy promise there asseys are tested and thy schould work. And its not much more expensive compared to designing your own.

Good luck cool.gif

-Montgomery Burns-

Thanks for your suggestion. I also tried to use some primers/Probe described in a published paper, but it did not work in my experiment.

QUOTE (Montgomery Burns @ Mar 29 2006, 03:41 AM)
Have you aked ABI if they have the ip10 Rimer/Probes on demand. Thy promise there asseys are tested and thy schould work. And its not much more expensive compared to designing your own.

Good luck cool.gif
