Urgent ! Help for infection ... - Many dark spots appear beside my cell (Mar/24/2006 )
A month ago, I have found some black spots appeared in my culture disk which
besides the cells. Somestimes they are floating on the top of the medium result in forming
a large area pictures like (infection figure 1 and 2). As time go by , the black spots increased
with forming irregular shape crystal floating on the medium and without motility.
The cell seems to be unhealthy if the black spots have occured over the dish !! The antibiotic and anti-myotic seems to have no effect on stopping the black spots increasing.
Besides, I cultured the nerual spheres on the T-75cm2 flask wihtout antiobiotic for 3 days and
the things like stretophycocous inside my flask(infection3). Could anyone can tell me what had happened ?
I have no time for dealing with the contamination anymore.....the final defense examination is coming soon in may ....Ha I really mad !! I should be very grateful if anyone can give me some advice . Thank you very much.
Appendix :
try mycoplasma detection kit.it soudns like u have mycoplasma in...
good luck,
or the easiest way, do DAPI staining, u will see a lot of little dots if u have contamination
besides the cells. Somestimes they are floating on the top of the medium result in forming
a large area pictures like (infection figure 1 and 2). As time go by , the black spots increased
with forming irregular shape crystal floating on the medium and without motility.
The cell seems to be unhealthy if the black spots have occured over the dish !! The antibiotic and anti-myotic seems to have no effect on stopping the black spots increasing.
Besides, I cultured the nerual spheres on the T-75cm2 flask wihtout antiobiotic for 3 days and
the things like stretophycocous inside my flask(infection3). Could anyone can tell me what had happened ?
I have no time for dealing with the contamination anymore.....the final defense examination is coming soon in may ....Ha I really mad !! I should be very grateful if anyone can give me some advice . Thank you very much.
Appendix :
I agree with sushina, just DAPI stain quickly.
God luck for the exam!!! Kepp my fingers crossed!!!
Thank you very much for your advices !!
The black spots seems to be decreased since I have used the mycoplasma removing agent. However, I am still afraid the black spots will appear again in the future...
If I used the DAPI for staining the mycoplasma, how much should I be used for staining ? how to carry out the staining ? Thank you !!