epistasis, epistatic genes - (Mar/10/2006 )
Hi! can anybody help me to find infos about epistasis and epistatic genes? I searched in pubmed but did not find an article that explains from the basics and books are stingy about the topic
thank you very much
Dear All, I seem to have found a nice article in pubmed:
Hum Hered. 2003;56(1-3):73-82.
*The ubiquitous nature of epistasis in determining susceptibility to common human diseases.*
*Moore JH*
I cannot download it though: does anybody have access to this journal and can send it to me PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!
I know epistatic genes are very common, there are alot of examplesso you might want to choose say a model organis, try searching GAL complex in yeast or even do epistatsis in c. elegans, i am sure something will pop up
Hum Hered. 2003;56(1-3):73-82.
*The ubiquitous nature of epistasis in determining susceptibility to common human diseases.*
*Moore JH*
I cannot download it though: does anybody have access to this journal and can send it to me PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!
I send you the paper via PM.
Best wishes
Thanx millions!!!!!!!!!
... i have read the article but...can anybody give me a concrete example of mendelian traits epitasis and complex traits epistasis for human illnesses? and of positive gene-gene interaction?
I am really HOPING that maybe someone in this forum visitors has some more paper to read about this topic....
I am really HOPING that maybe someone in this forum visitors has some more paper to read about this topic....
Maybe this is a paper of interest...?
try this review paper http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=A...40433fe611ae700
asking for concrete examples in biology... not likely to get a response. nothing is concrete, unfortunately. there are always exceptions. but, the general ones that are usually talked about when discussing epitasis is sickle cell anemia, and there's also a type of lupus (check out the review, they should have examples in that)... CF maybe?
a really good paper on this is http://hmg.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/reprint/11/20/2463 (if you've got problems downloading any of them, PM me). it has numbers and greek symbols... don't be scared, it's good.
positive gene-gene interactions... asthma .
this paper goes into a lot about respiratory problems, and it has a nice diagram at the beginning.
complex traits... i think there was a review on that in nature a few years ago. try checking out their website for further info (the author was carlberg... borg... something like that).
i think many people refer to AIDS when talking about this (it's not my field, so i don't pay that much attention to it). could be wrong about this though.
Type 2 diabetes should fit the bill as a complex trait epistasis human disease.
http://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/reprint/298/5602/2345.pdf one more paper
hope it all helps.
thanx for your help bomber, I'll check this article out!!