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most interesting drug for case study - most interesting drug for case study (Mar/08/2006 )

hi ......
i have a new project on pharmacology...........
i have to choose one particular drug......and discuss the pharmacologica kenetics ......

i have no clue which drug , im going to select........
please help me .......if you have any clues or any one have done this sort of work . please send me materials.
thanking you .


It depends exactly what you want to see. I can think of plenty of compounds with interesting pharmacokinetics though not with something in each ADME category.

For example, Amiodarone (Type III antiarrhythmic) has interesting distribution. It accumulates in adipose and gives an apparent volume of distribution of over 1000 litres.

Phenytoin (anti-epileptic; Na-channel blocker) has interesting metabolism. There are three phenotypes for its degradation. Fast, medium and slow metabolisers. This is due to genetic variation.

Also there are plenty of drugs that induce enzyme degradation. Phenobarbitone (anxyolytic barbiturate) induces CYP450 and therefore accelerates its own degradation (leads to barbiturate tolerance).

Elimination wise there are drugs that are degraded solely in the liver or plasma (succinylcholine) and those that are actively secreted into the kidney tubule.

Absorption isn't so easy. I can think of some interesting interactions. For example if taking an MAO inhibitor (e.g., clorgyline) then the ingestion of sympathomimetic amines (e.g. amphetamine or even tyramine from cheese) will increase their [amines] apparent absorption as there is no longer functional MAO in the gut epithelium to degrade it. This can lead to the 'cheese effect' which results in severe hypertension, flushing and can be fatal.

You;ll need to do some GOOGLE searches to really find what you want


thanks martin....
ur informations are very useful.
i am trying to find some stuff on Phenytoin
thanks again


can anyone tell me what is the difference between a diffusion limited and a absorption limited drug?

how do we tell them apart?
