study proliferation of yeast inside the macrophage - (Mar/07/2006 )
Hello guys
I am studying on yeast proliferation inside macrophage, but don't really know what kind of experiements i can do to see how they can proliferate inside the macriphage. We are thinking of assay on the phagosome formation, but anyone have other ideas? we are kinda of restricted and no many people working on things like this here. any recommendations are welcomed!!!!
do you have access to TEM? you could do a timecourse and actually watch it happen
I would look for other intracellular invasion models and see how these assays are done.
Hi aimikins
Thank you very much for your reply. I used Timelapse Microscope to make movies of internalised yeasts in the macrophages and we have already observed replication of these yeasts. Then i did a bit of literature research and found some groups are working on phagosome maturation. That is where i get my phagosome assay idea from. I am just thinking whether there are some novel ideas or methods to study how these yeasts live and repilcate inside the macrophage and possibly then find out the important genes involved. we are very keen on developing a new method to study proliferation without using Timelapse microscope. Any more ideas?????
the only thing I can suggest, is to do a lit search and see what other methods are available for invasion studies. I know what works with my bugs, but the system is different..I would think you would have to adapt a protocol from another model