seeds consist of...? - (Mar/03/2006 )
Hello, im confuse about which is the correct answer, i believe is a), because seeds i know consist in seed coat and cotyledon ...i think, some help please!
seeds consist of a :
a) seed coat plumule cotyledon hypocotyl epicotyl cotyledon
c) radicle plumule hypocotyl
d) epicotyl coleoptile prop roots
e) seed coat true leaves cotyledon
and in this one im almost positive is false this statement just want to hear some opinions:
plant hormones are produced by the mesophyll layer in a leaf and transported to other locations by the vascular tissue
what do you think?'
i appreciate replies,
open the encyclopedia somteimes : rock
potential to grow up as plants and/or trees depending on the intricate play between nature and nurture...
welllllll, fred if i asked for an opinion to someone who is willing to give me one: and yes for your info. i opened more than one text books, web pages etc etc...they dont give me the answers i need,
there really was no offense in my reply. I'mjust not a botanist and found good explanations in the link i brought. By the way if i had the true answer i would have shared it.
From what I remember of my plan biology, the answer is a combination of a, b and c, all dicots should have a plumule, radicle, cotyledons and a seed coat, there could also be a hypocotyl if the seed is starting to sprout.
Hormones in plants are produced in a number of areas, not just the mesophyll, and they are sometimes transported by the vascular system, and sometimes by other systems in the plant.