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RNA integrity - (Feb/23/2006 )

Is there any replaced method for runing an agarose gel to detect RNA integrity of lower amount of RNA?


Do you have access to an Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer? You can verify integrity and quantify RNA using 1 µL of sample at a concentration as low as 25 ng/µL. You can verify integrity at concentrations even lower than that, but the quantitation range is 25-500 ng/µL.


QUOTE (soluene @ Feb 23 2006, 01:07 PM)
Do you have access to an Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer? You can verify integrity and quantify RNA using 1 µL of sample at a concentration as low as 25 ng/µL. You can verify integrity at concentrations even lower than that, but the quantitation range is 25-500 ng/µL.

Thanks a lot, I will try to find it.


Also by using the pico chip on the bioanalyser you can go even lower

I love it to be honest. Best bit of equipment in my lab by far

-John Buckels-

Hi hong,
With the software form Agilent the integrity of RNA is also graded with RIN number, with highest score 10. RIN=7 or higher means the RNA is in good quality.
