Role of common compounds in different buffers and solutions - compounds are acting in solution as... (Feb/14/2006 )
ok i've sum up links to some of the common buffers or compounds present in solutios. As many of newbies ask what is the role of X and sometimes for the 4th time, relevant links may be found here (not all links are there, possibilities of missing ones ):
extraction of proteins, so Hepes, nacl edta glycerol and np40
B mercapto ethanol in cell culture
PBS in cell culture
role of DTT
role of DTT (2)
folate and DNA methylation
sodium azide
binding buffer(sodiumazide,glycine&nacl) // elution buffer (sodiumazide&citricacid(anhydrous&trisodiumsalt) // elutionbuffer (glycine&sodiumazide)
Poly (dI-dC)
Beta mercaptoethanol in a transformation reaction
sodium acetate in nucleic acids precipitation
restriction buffer and TAE
glycine in Ab purification
5%PEG in ligation
gelatin / BSA in PCR buffer
na deoxycholate
LB and SOC agar
NP 40 vs Triton X-100
role of polyadenosine in DNA extractions
what is TE buffer for?
NEW ONE (august):
tris and glycine in transfert buffer
klick me, klick me!!

i've deleted the hfrom http and that drive a redirection to tpp...
i've edited your post too in order to fix the link.
Aught to make that a sticky Fred.

Do you mind to explain (or translate in french

does that min : "better pin the topic"?
My guess of translation: make this topic "sticky"?
I guessed the reference is regarding a post-it (or 'sticky') note
as in, make a sticky note, or 'bookmark the post' to have it at your fingertips, hey?
At another forum I visit, the pinned topics are called "sticky" topics
thanks... I definitely go to US or england to get these nicknames and all "usual language"....
thanx alot fred