Regarding MethylEasy - (Feb/13/2006 )
Could anyone tell me what's the components of reagent IV from MethylEasy kit ? couldn't find it anywhere.
Thanks a lot.
That is the million dollar question, I have been trying to ask the people at Human Genetic Signatures what the secret herbs and spices were in the kit, and they were very coy about it. So they should be, because it's precisely what makes their kit unique.
I think this secret will be held close to them until the end.
However I would be interested to hear what people think is the ingredient.
Do you guys recommend this kit for methylation studies? I'm gonna be starting BSP and sequencing and I'm deciding which kit to go with. MethylEasy or Zymor's Methyl EZ Gold DNA kit. Any input would be greatly appreciated.
Ahhh, it's "US Patent Pending" right now. Once that patent is issued you should be able to fish out the composition, right?
indeed, I have been hunting around on the Patent site for it but there is nothing to be found on it....yet mmuhahahahahah