Which Mycoplasma detecting kit is the best? - Difficult to choose, give me an advice (Feb/09/2006 )
If you use already Mycoplasma detection kits, give me please the opinion, which is the most user-friendly.
I work only on simple Vero cell culture, i have only 2 flasks every split, and I would like to use one time for 2 monthes the simplest kit possible (but reliable, for sure)
Up to now I founded, that such kits are available from Stratagene, Sigma, Cambio, Roche, RNDsys, Minerva and Biovalley. Quite difficult to choose.
Please, help me.
I answer to myself on this question, I just tested the Venor GeM Mycoplasma detection Kit, and founded it very OK.
I choosed it by the criterium of the shortest procedure . It takes all only 3 hours - time for running PCR and agarose gel. And no sample preparation - only boil 100 ul of medium over the cells.
Why I did not do the PCR by myself ,instead the kit, even that the primer sequences are available - answer is that without kit I have no positive control, so I should search for Mycoplasmas and isolate their DNA. And in the kit there is also internal control - to be sure, that PCR recation in the sample had place and it is not that i forgot to add Taq polymerase
why don't you make a DAPI staining?