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Easy protocol for purification of in vitro transcribed RNA oligonucleotides? - (Jan/24/2006 )

Hi all,

I am using the T7-RNA-Polyermase system to generate my siRNAs in vitro. The systems works fine, I have switched to using single components (instead of kits), however I haven't figured out an easy way to purify my RNA oligonucleotides after transcription. Phenol/chloroform extraction works, but it is a tedious and long procedure. I have tried to find protocols on using affinity spin columns on the net, but I couldn't find any. Are you aware of any protocols that use affinity spin columns (maybe for PCR-product purification ...) to purify siRNAs or RNA oligonucleotides?

That would be of great help.




QUOTE (tevi @ Jan 25 2006, 12:39 AM)
Hi all,

I am using the T7-RNA-Polyermase system to generate my siRNAs in vitro. The systems works fine, I have switched to using single components (instead of kits), however I haven't figured out an easy way to purify my RNA oligonucleotides after transcription. Phenol/chloroform extraction works, but it is a tedious and long procedure. I have tried to find protocols on using affinity spin columns on the net, but I couldn't find any. Are you aware of any protocols that use affinity spin columns (maybe for PCR-product purification ...) to purify siRNAs or RNA oligonucleotides?

That would be of great help.



Ambion's mirVana™ miRNA Isolation Kit might work for you, it stated as kit for miRNA, siRNA...
or you might think about the Qiagen's RNeasy mini kit or its alternative and using modified protocol in follow link
hope these help you


alcoholic precipitation should work.
