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Slow growing cells - (Jan/04/2006 )

hay all,
I've been trying to defrost Hepg2 for 2 month now. The last defrost was great and after every split within 2 days the cells were in 90 -100% con. Then they stopped growing (after 2 weeks of good grow).. it doesn't seem that they have any mitosis going on.. does anyone have an idea about what is going on?




not likely... i don't see any evidence for pollution and it happened to all the plates (16)..



huh.gif I probably didn't spell that right


my incubater has a water pan in the bottom to keep the chamber humidified, prevents evaporation of media, every once in a while I forget to fill it up and my cells stop growing. might be something simple like that.

-Jon Peterson-

they are ok now (knock wood) so i guess it was something as simple as lake of water in the pan.
does anybody know something about their metabolism? i couldnt find enything... rolleyes.gif


Even though I have never worked with them, this could help maybe:
