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Who can tell me how can I get something about L428 cell line? - (Nov/21/2005 )

I'm a mast in pathology,now I want do some research about L428.But I don't know all about this cell line,eg, all kinds of molecular expresses,thoug I've gone to ATCC but nothing for it because of no this cell line in ATCC.Please do your favor to tell me how can I find messages about this cell's characties?Thanks for everyone.


Type L428 on pubmed webpage

briefly : The cell line L428, representing an in vitro counterpart of Hodgkin and Sternberg-Reed cells, could be shown to release a factor capable of suppressing the binding of sheep red blood cells (SRBC) to normal peripheral-blood T lymphocytes or to a T-cell line (L735) (ref.) and they can produce IL1
