Anti-His tag monoclonal antibody - (Oct/29/2005 )
I am trying to find a monoclonal anti-his tag antibody with negligible background in gram negative bacteria for an ELISA.
Different companies have monoclonal ones but in their application list ELISA is not listed. Most of these are "qualified" for western. A couple of them are qualified for immunoprecipitation. I found only one that is qualified for ELISA but it is expensive. so i do not know whether to go with this one or one of the cheaper ones that is qualifies not for ELISA but for immunoprecipitation.
I was wondering if anyone could give me any suggestion on this.
Thank you.
i've used an anti-his tag ab from abcam very successfull in elisa - it's expensive, though, and in my hands, doesn't work in western blot at all, but i'm still trying to find the right conditions for this ab. abcam has a good technical support though, and they promise to give you replacments or refunding if it doesn't work at all and after contacting the support.... , the antibody is ab1269
Did you take a look at ? , the antibody is ab1269
Thank you for your help

I ordered ab18184 from abcam. is a very useful website--thanks