transfection of primary cortical neurons - (Oct/11/2005 )
I just found a reply to a query about transfecting cells with JET PEI which prompted me to register so I could find out some more information.
I am also looking for an efficient way of transfecting primary cortical neurons and will definitely try Gencarrier-2 as was recommended. I was wondering if anyone could give me a few other details about primary neuron transfections - do you transfect at plating or in older cultures? Have you ever tried to transfect long term static cultures (i.e. 1-2 weeks)? What sort of medium are you using for your cortical cultures?
I don't need a huge transfection efficiency but I am aiming for a good representative sample and I need to maintain high survival as I want to look at synapse development.
Any information would be greatly appreciated,
thanks and best wishes,
Jenny Gunnersen
Howard Florey Institute
I also need some informations about Gencarrier-2, could you find any? May be you try it untill now? I apreciate if you let me know your experinces.
I haven't tried it yet but I now have some in the fridge. I aslo had some success recently with the amaxa nucleofector system (on trial) - it need a lot of cells (5 million primary neurons) but the results were very good,
best wishes,
I also need some informations about Gencarrier-2, could you find any? May be you try it untill now? I apreciate if you let me know your experinces.