antibody in SDS-containing solution - (Oct/07/2005 )
I'm in a situation where I have to use antibody in a SDS-containing solution. I can not remove SDS; all I can do is dilution. How much SDS (by percentage) do you think antibody can tolerate?
I know so-called RIPA buffer contains 0.1%SDS and people use this for IP...but how much farther can it go above 0.1%?
I have put antibody in 0.5% and had no apparent loss of functionality
what % are you thinking you need? probably depends on the antibody, hey?
Actually I was thinking something like 0.2% (I'm on the paranoid side).
I just wanted someone to say "0.2%? That should be ok!", which you did (sort of), so thanks!
namekuji- I use this antibody in 0.5% SDS when performing blots. I don't know if it is different for IP? but I don't know why it should be