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Advanced biology audio books or lectures? - (Aug/28/2009 )

I've been through graduate school and continue to work in the lab, mainly in cell biology now. I want to eventually go back and get a PhD but I need a good way to keep the old material fresh, especially the stuff I don't use often. Of course I enjoy reading and read as much as I can but I spend way too much time driving and for various other reasons, it's not always easy to keep my books with me and read. Having audio lectures/books would be a great supplement. I wish I had recorded my lectures back in graduate school as I'd love to listen to them again just as a refresher. I've looked around at various sites and have found audio or video lectures of introductory science stuff or science for non-scientists but not too much in the way of advanced graduate and post-grad level coursework. I sometimes find seminars online but I'm also looking for more of a traditional course in subjects like biochemistry, advanced cell biology, genetics, signaling etc... I don't suppose too many textbook manufacturers make audiobook versions available either :) .

So, does anyone have any ideas or even recordings of your graduate courses? Thanks for any suggestions or ideas.


I think that is an excellent idea. I would love to have audio books to refresh old stuff. Let me know if you find anything!


Stephan on Aug 31 2009, 04:20 AM said:

I think that is an excellent idea. I would love to have audio books to refresh old stuff. Let me know if you find anything!

Try iTunes University, its on iTunes (free) and everything (lectures, seminars, videos) is free. (or something like that) has some decent stuff, but iTunes U is da bomb. Warren..
