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Mendeley - software (Aug/14/2009 )

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hi bb san

latest update: ubuntu comes now with the cloud, also called ubuntu one, which does the same as windos live sync

hope you find it useful.


Mendeley is pretty useful. I don't like FF so Zottero isn't a good choice for me.

Is it possible to delete pdfs from on-line library but only on-line leaving this pdfs on hdd? I don't want to buy more space on server... ;/


Mateusz on Mon Jul 26 10:13:30 2010 said:

Mendeley is pretty useful. I don't like FF so Zottero isn't a good choice for me.

Is it possible to delete pdfs from on-line library but only on-line leaving this pdfs on hdd? I don't want to buy more space on server... ;/

Hi Mateusz! Yes, you can delete the PDF from your online library and nothing will happen to the PDF on disk. That's actually why Mendeley doesn't write the annotations to the PDF file directly. Having them separate means that a group of people can collaboratively annotate a group of documents, and the annotations continue to work as expected no matter what someone does with the underlying file. As you mention, not being tied to the browser is a big advantage and allows Mendeley to do more without depending on the browser. When I was using Zotero, I had to keep closing and re-opening the browser because it would get sluggish over time.

Occasionally Mendeley has trouble with the metadata extraction, but even in those cases where it doesn't, it will get at least the title and DOI, so you can do a lookup using the little magnifying glass icon to the right and get everything automatically corrected.

If anyone wants to know more, just ask me.

-Dr. Gunn-
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