DAPI staining - standard criteria (Jul/13/2009 )
Hello, everybody
I have just begin my experiment about apoptosis assay using DAPI staining. But, I have some problems about How to classify the character of normal cell and apoptotic cell. I confused about the character of nuclei condensation. So, I attached the three images of treatment groups
Last picture is a control group.
Thank you to you all in advance
Best regards
stain with anti active caspase III + dapi and you'll see the difference between the cells
yacon project on Jul 13 2009, 01:23 AM said:
I have just begin my experiment about apoptosis assay using DAPI staining. But, I have some problems about How to classify the character of normal cell and apoptotic cell. I confused about the character of nuclei condensation. So, I attached the three images of treatment groups
Last picture is a control group.
Thank you to you all in advance
Best regards
You should see smaller, fragmented nuclei (apoptotic bodies) as compared to control. Best thing is to follow the previous response.
Dominic on Jul 13 2009, 10:51 PM said:
Thank you so much for your answer. you mean only dapi it's not suitable for apoptosis assay right. But,why I have read many paper using this method?
the only thing i trust a nuclear stain to do is show me where the nucleus is
if you see more than 20 cells they start to blend into one - you need a clear marker - not a vague hint in the nucleus
maybe there are people out there using the nuclear method - real question is why trust their work when its obviously so subjective