New Plasmid Draw/Plotter Program (Free) - (Jul/09/2009 )
Well, lots of manual annotation necessary. I prefer PlasMapper (here), which annotates you sequence automatically. But it's a bit difficult to handle, giving too much information. Anyone else a good program?
I like ApE for basic stuff. Still needs quite a bit of editing to get the stuff you want highlighted on the plasmid
bob1 on Jul 21 2009, 08:42 PM said:
I like ApE for basic stuff. Still needs quite a bit of editing to get the stuff you want highlighted on the plasmid
Any idea howz plasmapper ??
Biointelligence - All About Bioinformatics
bob1 on Jul 21 2009, 07:42 PM said:
I like ApE for basic stuff. Still needs quite a bit of editing to get the stuff you want highlighted on the plasmid
check BxSeqTools launched by Bioinforx Inc at for free
-Sara Jackson-