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Bankit/dbEST??? - Which database should I submit to? (Jun/24/2009 )

We have about 10 sequences derived from differential display reverse transcription-PCR (DDRT-PCR) cDNA fragment sequences. These sequences (79-700bp) were cloned and sequenced and found to have no significant identity to any databases for this organism.

We would like to upload these sequences to NCBI using Bankit, but are unsure of how to annotate the sequences as partial mRNAs.

The 3' poly(A)-tail are present in most of these sequences, but some do not. These sequences contain only very short ORFs (if any, of about 40aa) when ORFfinder was used to scan the sequences.

SHould we submit these sequences through Bankit, or dbEST (both in NCBI)?




I would ask for advice from the GenBank people at
