Drug solubility - (Jun/03/2009 )
Hi Everyone,
I am using etoposide to treat cancer cells however i am having trouble getting it into solution in PBS. Please recommend something. Also if you use etoposide do you make a fresh stock everytime you use it or make a stock and store at -80 deg. PLEASE HELP !!
Thanks :)
seashell83 on Jun 3 2009, 08:43 AM said:
Hi Everyone,
I am using etoposide to treat cancer cells however i am having trouble getting it into solution in PBS. Please recommend something. Also if you use etoposide do you make a fresh stock everytime you use it or make a stock and store at -80 deg. PLEASE HELP !!
I am using etoposide to treat cancer cells however i am having trouble getting it into solution in PBS. Please recommend something. Also if you use etoposide do you make a fresh stock everytime you use it or make a stock and store at -80 deg. PLEASE HELP !!

I would dissolve it in DMSO, see here: http://www.sigmaaldrich.com/catalog/Produc..._KEY&F=SPEC