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The reason of using fire in hood... - (May/30/2009 )

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This seems to be a typical argument of personal opinion and experience more than actual evidence. I do think that not using a flame may work but this does not mean it is the best way or that it works better than when using a flame. The type of flame used is so important, if using a simple alcohol burner or even bunsen burner - this may have less possibility for improving sterility but if a hands-free, non-continuous, high heat, low flame burner is available and used correctly, I think sterility can only be improved. Also, about the air rushing out the bottle, this is not a 100% extraction of the air but physics would prove at least a good portion of the air is removed which can only improve sterility. This air will be replaced with other colder air but hopefully cleaner than the air previously above the fluid.
Sterility is all about improving the odds, I'm sure u can get perfect sterility on the bench top, but not consistently and should this be what is taught to new comers to culture, who have not such refined techniques to start out with?


i'm the other way round - gadgets are a bonus but sterility is always reliant on your aseptic technique - if your technique is not good enough seek out someone who's is better and ask for help.
you can use the best hoods, flame everything, spray your nitrile gloves in 70% ethanol, deep fry your lab coat - its all for naught if you touch the tip of a pippette


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