Embryonic bodies? - (May/14/2009 )
hi guys, do the big colonies are a monolayer of cells or they like the cancer cell, usually form focus?
enock02 on Sun Oct 3 08:40:58 2010 said:
hi guys, do the big colonies are a monolayer of cells or they like the cancer cell, usually form focus?
Hi bioforumers
I don't know which big colonies you are referring to, but, the "translucent" ones don't seem to be birefringent so they are probably a monolayer, the brown ones are definitely a 3 layer structure.
What do you mean by focus?
distazio on Mon May 18 23:15:53 2009 said:
shure. i don't know why but the clones grew slowly the first 10 days.
but usually i select with puro in 10 days.
But the embryonic stem cell technique is save or not. I have heard something different about this technique.
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