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RNA extraction for microarray - (May/13/2009 )

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huni on Jan 5 2010, 05:53 AM said:

Do you guys know this paper published in 2009 titled as 'A simple and loss-free method to remove TRIzol contaminations from minute RNA samples'?
At least I observed that the RNA purity increased a lot after purification following this simple and cheap protocol.

Link is below;

I did follow the protocol in this paper, however I still have low 260/230 ratio (below 1) and that is not good for labelling (Affymetrix array). Can anyone please give me some advice to improve 260/230. My samples are monocytes from clinical samples. They are very "tiny" samples and precious. Please help. Thank you.


huyentran on Fri Feb 12 12:27:16 2010 said:

Do you guys know this paper published in 2009 titled as 'A simple and loss-free method to remove TRIzol contaminations from minute RNA samples'?
At least I observed that the RNA purity increased a lot after purification following this simple and cheap protocol.

Link is below;

I did follow the protocol in this paper, however I still have low 260/230 ratio (below 1) and that is not good for labelling (Affymetrix array). Can anyone please give me some advice to improve 260/230. My samples are monocytes from clinical samples. They are very "tiny" samples and precious. Please help. Thank you.

Hi, I am doing a lot of microarrays with affymetrix array, and I always purify my trizole purified RNAs with the above mentioned method.
Even though sometimes samples have a low 260/230 ratio, my microarry amplication were always successful with this purification method-Until now, 100%.
I am replying to you to let you know my experience with this method for consideration.
Good luck~


Dear susanna,

if the RNA that u interested is mRNA, the extraction by using column is good for ur work.
i think if ur RNA contaminate with phenol:choloform, it not good for downstream application such as PCR.
Microarray is more sensitive method to the contaminant than PCR, so it's not good too.


Hi everyone.....I have done microarray experiments on mononuclear cells derived from peripheral blood and synovial fluid, and on macrophages derived from THP cell lines. I store my cells in Trizol at -80OC. For isolation, I added chloroform to thawed suspension, spin at 4OC for 5 min (12000g), suspend aquesous layer in equal volume of 70% ethanol then apply this mixture to Qiagen RNAeasy columns, followed by washing using the buffers supplied in the kit. I always get 260/230 ratio and 260/280 > or = 2 as well as RIN greater than 9. This method gives good yield also of RNA, and saves cost, time and sample

Hope this helps!


I want to extract RNA from cultured treated (with 5-Aza) and untreated cells in order to use for expression array analysis. I have used RNeasy Mini Kit but didn't get good 260/230 ratio (<1), 260/280 ratio was not very good (=1.70) as well.
I am going to use Trizol this time, I found out about TRIzol® Plus RNA Purification System:

Has anyone used this protocol before, I really appreciate any suggestions about this product or any other products or tips which can help me get the pure RNA with good quality.
Is it generally better to freeze down the pellet before extracting at -80 or extract straight away after harvesting the cells?

Thank you very much for your help :)



I want to extract RNA from Formalin-Fixed, Paraffin-embeded tissues (FFPE) for expression array analysis. I'm going to use "RNeasy FFPE Kit" (QIAGEN) for RNA extraction and "Whole-Genome DASL HT Assay" (Illumina) for expression array analysis. I'm wondering whether anyone used these protocol before. Furthermore for some tissue samples conserved in RNA-Later or liquid nitrogen, I'm wondering whether anyone has been worked with "HumanHT-12 v4 BeadChip" (Illumina) for gene expression. I really appreciate any suggestions which can help me in this regard.

Thanks for your help.

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