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about antibiotic addition - (Apr/20/2009 )

i have a vector which has Ap and ery resistance gene...and i have got this vector from the author,who has transformed the plasmid into L.Lactis and sent when i want to culture it using M17 media...which antibiotic i should add to the media in order to extract the plasmid.....


Shouldn't it be Ap or ery or both?

roshanbernard on Apr 21 2009, 08:00 AM said:

i have a vector which has Ap and ery resistance gene...and i have got this vector from the author,who has transformed the plasmid into L.Lactis and sent when i want to culture it using M17 media...which antibiotic i should add to the media in order to extract the plasmid.....

-T C-

I would say ampicillin for bacteria, and erythromycin for eucaryote cells.

-little mouse-

Missele, why wouldn't you use Er for bacteria? I would think it would be more effective and stable than Ap?


thanks a lot guys for the reply...i will use ery for the mactis culture i.e plamid selection and when i transform it into the e coli i will use ery and amp...thanks once again for the help.
