mineral - (Apr/11/2009 )
before the mineral analysis by icp, should defat the sample 1st?
the sample is coconut meat, the fat content quite high.
mimosa on Apr 11 2009, 03:56 PM said:
before the mineral analysis by icp, should defat the sample 1st?
the sample is coconut meat, the fat content quite high.
the sample is coconut meat, the fat content quite high.
Try to formulate the question correctly first! And be polite.
Then you may get a considered answer.

I agree with klinmed. Many people seek for help on discussion forums without knowing the proper way of asking questions. First of all you should give a descriptive title to your question so that others will know what your problem is by just reading the title of your post; second, describe your question clearly. If you are careless with typing your question, use abbreviations nobody knows, who is interested in answering your question? Think about it!