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How long are 3'-UTRs - Is there a paper dealing with this topic? (Apr/08/2009 )

I'm working with mRNAs, and wondered how long those are, especially 3'UTR's is there a paper dealing with that topic? e.g. a genome-paper,...

Tanks in advance.


dersven on Apr 8 2009, 02:26 AM said:

I'm working with mRNAs, and wondered how long those are, especially 3'UTR's is there a paper dealing with that topic? e.g. a genome-paper,...

Tanks in advance.

Hello dersven,

You might find the answer in the literature of nonsense-mediated decay. The distance between the stop codon and the poly-A tail is part of the trigger for this RNA degradation system.


- Jon

-Jon Moulton-

the length of 3utr varies wildly ranging from a few to thousands in nucleotides. take a look at this paper


Thank you so much for posting this link! It helped me a lot!

pcrman on Wed Apr 8 19:18:40 2009 said:

the length of 3utr varies wildly ranging from a few to thousands in nucleotides. take a look at this paper
