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Yeast complementation test - (Apr/05/2009 )


On a project that I have been working on is where I have created point mutations in cdc21 to look at how the mutations would affect the phosphorylation. After creating mutations and cloning the mutants to a suitable vector I need to study the complementation of temperature sensitivity of the mutated cdc21s to regular cdc21 /MCM4 . I’m confused about the concept of complementation and how I should get about doing the complementation tests using the regular cdc21 and the mutated cdc21. Further I have created my mutations but I'm not sure as to how I should pick a vector for expression. I'm new to this field and any help is greatly appreciated.


needhelp on Apr 5 2009, 03:29 PM said:


On a project that I have been working on is where I have created point mutations in cdc21 to look at how the mutations would affect the phosphorylation. After creating mutations and cloning the mutants to a suitable vector I need to study the complementation of temperature sensitivity of the mutated cdc21s to regular cdc21 /MCM4 . I’m confused about the concept of complementation and how I should get about doing the complementation tests using the regular cdc21 and the mutated cdc21. Further I have created my mutations but I'm not sure as to how I should pick a vector for expression. I'm new to this field and any help is greatly appreciated.

I think you should post your question in the subforum for protein expression. You'd get more response there.
