media - (Apr/01/2009 )
I am new to cell culture and I had a question about media.
I will be doing plasmid DNA transfections into fibroblasts. I have found a lot of expired media in our lab.
I am not sure if I can use that or order some new media.
Is the expired media useless or can it be used for anything in cell culture?
It shouldnot be a problem to use the expired media. Are these media in powder or soloution? powder no problem. solotion check the colour if there is a ph change.
but i will recommend to use new order media, as no issue for the experiment.
Liquid media usually contain L-glutamine and a couple of other components that can decay and will prevent some cells from growing very well. This will particularly be a problem with un-transformed primary cells (like fibroblasts). The good news is that you can add more L-glut and the cells will grow fine.