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IRES1 x IRES2? - (Mar/29/2009 )

Hi all,
What`s the real difference between IRES sequences 1 and 2??
Can I get the same amount of gene expression using one or other sequence?



You know,
Giving a name (IRES) doesn’t help much.
You might know what it is but people outside your group don't.
If you really want help you have to give more info!!!

By IRES do you mean Internal ribosome entry site?


molgen on Mar 30 2009, 06:39 AM said:

You know,
Giving a name (IRES) doesn’t help much.
You might know what it is but people outside your group don't.
If you really want help you have to give more info!!!

By IRES do you mean Internal ribosome entry site?



I can't find the sequences.
Do you have accretion numbers for them?
If you have the sequences you can align them and se the differences. For this use clustalW or any other software you like.
You might want to take a look at the IRES database.


If I'm not wrong, with IRES 2 you have less expression of the second gene. (In this case, you use something like EGFP as a second gene, and if you can see it, you know that the first gene is well expressed)

-little mouse-

To mologen:
The sequences have little differences. But I can`t figure out what does this differences mean.

To little mouse:
I`ve heard the opposite. IRES 2 is stronger than 1.

I just would like to know which one is the strongest.

I wanna do a bicistronic plasmid and I need both genes with high expression levels. I need to decide what IRES to use.

Thanks again.
