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Problem with "smiling effect" on SDS-PAGE gel - (Mar/27/2009 )

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MaggieRoara on Mar 30 2009, 05:24 PM said:

Danny Chow on Mar 30 2009, 12:35 AM said:

I tried 150V and run the whole thing in ICE... but still ... smiling effect...

would it be the temperature? Should i not running the whole thing in ice??
cause most of the ... i mean all of the protocols didnt suggest me to run it at low temperature....

except buying a commercial gel, is there any other ways to solve the problem ?

the smiling effect is most probably due to heating. Could be that you did not mix the gel properly before pouring. There, there is a resistance difference throughout the gel, heating up some place and not others.
Or it could just be that your gel is uneven in thickness, use new gel plates and try it out.

whenever i see even a hint of smiles on my gels, I turn down the voltage till the dye front straightens out and then resume running at normal voltage

O.. thanks
But the smiling effect was not happened on the sample (dye front), it is actually happened on the gel itself..
at the end of the gel, it is kind of changing its shape by forming a bump around the end of the gel, blocking the dye front to go down further....

-Danny Chow-

O.. thanks
But the smiling effect was not happened on the sample (dye front), it is actually happened on the gel itself..
at the end of the gel, it is kind of changing its shape by forming a bump around the end of the gel, blocking the dye front to go down further....

I have had this problem as well. It's like the gel is melting near the bottom of the gel, and everything stops at the melted part. I use only purchased gels. Running on ice and using a stir bar seems to lessen this effect. Running at a lower voltage does also.

The melting problem seemed more pronounced (for my stuff) when I used two differently-pH'ed running buffers as you are. Could differences between the pH or ionic strength of the gel and buffers be the issue?

lab rat

-lab rat-
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