Red blood cells - Do they have rough ER? (Mar/24/2009 )
Do human red blood cells contain rough ER?
I think they don't.
Since RBC do not contain nucleus, which form continuous membranous structure with the rough ER, both nucleus and rER may be absent in the RBC.
If this is true, RBC can not secret proteins. And all proteins they synthesize are not glycosylated.
I dont think RBCs are synthesize any proteins or need to secret any proteins. Its functions include oxygen transport and some sought of creation of immune response by releasing free radicals when the RBC gets ruptured. Free radicals in turn denatures the antigenic cells. Thats it.
I would like to add some more information regarding the role of RBCs in protein secretion or manufacturing, to my knowledge pool.
Am not sure about ER system but it is not correct to say that RBCs do not have nucleus. They have nucleus but are lost during maturation. Their membranes are also glycosylated - as for example the ABO antigens.
Nabi on Mar 24 2009, 10:22 PM said:
Yes, but I meant mature RBC. Maybe mature RBC no longer need to synthesize proteins. (?)
Without nucleus, no mRNA can be produced.
RBC can not afford to be engaged with protein synthesis. It will lead to increase in their mass, which in turn will hinder the other functions of RBCs. Structurally and functinally RBCs are made for oxygen transport.
matured RBC has ER...But other components such as platelets has ER, Mitochondria....