miRNA Northern Blot gel - (Mar/16/2009 )
I have a quick question. Does anyone know, if I can prepare a 15 % TBE Urea gel today and then store it in the fridge for using it tomorrow? How would you store it?
Wrap the gel in plastic food wrap and store O/N at 4C or room temperature should be fine.
Thank you, I'll try it
Just an update:
I store it at 4°C (maybe the fridge is colder ?) and the urea seems to have precipitated...I guess RT would have been better...I'll try next time
I try before and I think sotrage in 4 drgree in 1XTBE buffer is good O/Nor even up to one week. But prerun step is a must for 20min 140V.
-RNA woman-