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PH meter - (Mar/11/2009 )


I prepared 0.5 M EDTA and I was trying to adjust the solution to 8.0 by adding NaOH but I added more NaOH that led to changing in the PH to 8.50 but I added con.HCL to change adjust it to 8.0 ,
Do you think adding HCL may alter the effectivness of EDTA or will be harmfull to my sample?


it adds a bit more NaCl to your buffer.

How sensitive is your buffer to changes in osmolarity and ionic strength?

How far is the 0.5M EDTA going to be dilute to make your buffer?


perneseblue on Mar 11 2009, 11:26 AM said:

it adds a bit more NaCl to your buffer.

How sensitive is your buffer to changes in osmolarity and ionic strength?

How far is the 0.5M EDTA going to be dilute to make your buffer?

In fact I'll use it in northern blot.


You can always add more EDTA and water to make a bigger volume and then readjust the pH.
