Accidentally digested DNA overnight - still OK? - (Mar/10/2009 )
I accidentally left my EcoRI digest overnight @ 37 degrees (~17 hours). I used 1.7 ug 6.5 kb plasmid DNA and 10 U of enzyme. Will the plasmid still be OK for used in QPCR?
jessh on Mar 11 2009, 10:31 AM said:
I accidentally left my EcoRI digest overnight @ 37 degrees (~17 hours). I used 1.7 ug 6.5 kb plasmid DNA and 10 U of enzyme. Will the plasmid still be OK for used in QPCR?
Run it out on a gel and see. There is no reason the DNA will be degraded (unless you added too much enzyme solution - greater than 10% of the reaction volume - thus raising the risk of star activity), as an overnight digestion is a standard part of the QA for the enzyme.
Why not try a QPCR and see? You'll never know unless you give it a go.
jessh on Mar 10 2009, 03:31 PM said:
I accidentally left my EcoRI digest overnight @ 37 degrees (~17 hours). I used 1.7 ug 6.5 kb plasmid DNA and 10 U of enzyme. Will the plasmid still be OK for used in QPCR?
commerically available enzymes, particular EcoRI,HindIII etc, are quite robust and show very little star activity under routine digestion conditions.
jessh on Mar 10 2009, 04:31 PM said:
I accidentally left my EcoRI digest overnight @ 37 degrees (~17 hours). I used 1.7 ug 6.5 kb plasmid DNA and 10 U of enzyme. Will the plasmid still be OK for used in QPCR?
I routinely digest things overnight. As long as it's not an enzyme that generally shows star activity you should be fine.
Its okay........I also go for overnight digestions.
-T C-