decontamination - decontamination for PCR (Mar/08/2009 )
Hi All!
Please help me.
I use RNAsed free water and 70% ethanol and UV for 1 hour for decontamination for PCR.Is it enough?
And which is better to use distilled water or RNAsed free water and UV for 1 hour & 70% ethanol and UV for 1 hour between viral load testings?
Thanks a lot
Thin Su
May be this old discussion could help you.
-Déjà Vu-
For removal of DNA, a bleach solution (1%) will be the most effective. For removal of viruses, wipe the surfaces with Trigene or Virkon., then 70% ethanol.
If cross contamination is a concern, use filter tips as well.
bob1 on Mar 8 2009, 04:41 PM said:
For removal of DNA, a bleach solution (1%) will be the most effective. For removal of viruses, wipe the surfaces with Trigene or Virkon., then 70% ethanol.
Thank you.I will try it.
Déjà Vu on Mar 8 2009, 07:40 AM said:
May be this old discussion could help you.
Thanks a lot.
NemomeN on Mar 8 2009, 07:27 PM said:
If cross contamination is a concern, use filter tips as well.
Thank.I use only filter tips.