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What does this look like to you? - (Mar/06/2009 )

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shimshady on Mar 12 2009, 06:30 PM said:

Thanks for your help, but i really want to be able to do this with a large amount of DNA, say 3ug. The gel purification doesnt give that good of return on my product, like 50%. I want more since i have to use for quantitation and digestion and i want to make it really concentrated product as well. My question is how do you compromise the volume of the digestion and running the gel to purify it. You get a huge band that requires alot of gel in return requires alot of binding buffer for binding to the column. Do you understand what im saying. Your help has been much appreciated, kept my from pulling my hair out, lets hope the ligation goes well. :)

So you are saying that you want to digest a large amount of DNA and extract a large amount of the digested DNA from the gel? what are you going to do with the DNA from gel extraction?


I just want to have alot of DNA, and concentrated. I bought these clonables novagen dna ligase master mix which requires 5 ul of plasmid and insert total and 5 ul of master mix. So i need concentrated plasmid for this (50ng/ul or so).


shimshady on Mar 16 2009, 05:33 AM said:

I just want to have alot of DNA, and concentrated. I bought these clonables novagen dna ligase master mix which requires 5 ul of plasmid and insert total and 5 ul of master mix. So i need concentrated plasmid for this (50ng/ul or so).

you should do a maxiprep... given large amounts of clean DNA... i recommend qiagen's maxi prep kit


Just wanted to let you all know that i got the ligation to work out. Thanks for all your help!

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